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Positive Education:
As a college, we aim to actively teach positive well-being in all that we do.
We believe that a positive outlook is so important. We also believe and know that learning happens best when children and teachers are happy.
At Altona College, we have embraced the principles of Positive Psychology, which when it is used as a school improvement framework is known as Positive Education. Fundamentally, Positive Education is an approach which focuses on the strengths that each of us already has. We know that each of our students brings something amazing and different to their time with us, and that each of them has different strengths.
Students across our school will be taught explicitly what it is to be truly well; they will be challenged to think about what it is that makes them really happy. We work to make school a positive and happy experience for each and every child.
Ask yourself, what do you want most for your child? Most of us think, we want them to be happy. So, why not use school as the perfect learning environment to ensure that students are having as many opportunities as possible to experience happiness and positive feelings. Research supports Positive Education as having major and lifelong benefits for students and adults alike.
As we continue to build our positive culture, where we are all respectful, caring and learners, your child will have access to the following: