Altona College invites enrolment applications from prospective families that reside within our designated zone. We strictly adhere to the Department of Education and Training (DET) enrolment policy to ensure that new students are from within our designated neighbourhood area.


A General Enrolment applies to all enrolments except:

  • Prep Enrolments for next year
  • Year 7 Enrolments while the state-wide process is underway
  • Year 7 Elevate applications


Expression of interest forms are available under the links section of this page, or in hardcopy from the college office.

Families will need to submit forms to our administration office with evidence that the family resides within the designated zone as per the college enrolment policy available on the website.


Please use the link below to check if your residential address falls within our school zone.  


Please contact our College reception on 9250 8050 or email  should you require further support.



DET Application to Enrol Form
Find my school zone

100 points of ID - requirements

School Readiness eBook Parent Resource