Apply For Year 7 2025



How to enrol

Government school student

Return your completed Application for Year 7 Placement form (included in the Parent Transition Pack) to your primary school in May. Your primary school then sends the form to your first-preference high school.

You will be notified of your placement by your primary school in August, and can either accept or appeal the placement.

Non-government school student

If your child is attending a Catholic or independent primary school, you need to apply directly to Altona College

The process follows the same timeline as government schools.


The 2020 video information session above provides essential information for prospective families, though an updated presentation is delivered on open evening. 





Enrolment timeline for Year 7 in 2025

From 15 April 2024: Families at government schools receive the Parent Transition Pack from their primary school. When the non-government schools form is available, it will be uploaded here.


10 May 2024: Families at government schools return their completed application for Year 7 to their primary school. Families at non-government schools email their completed application directly to Altona College 


17 July 2024: Families at government schools are notified of the outcome of their application by their primary school. Families at non-government schools are notified of their outcome by Altona College 


18 July 2024: We send enrolment information to future Year 7 students. Families can lodge placement appeals with secondary schools. Government primary schools will provide families with the appeal form.


26 July 2024: Closing date for families to lodge a written appeal with their preferred secondary school.


6 August 2024:Closing date for families who have lodged the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Placement Appeal Form to have received a written notification of the appeal outcome. Families who have been unsuccessful in their appeal to us can refer their appeal to the applicable Regional Director. Government primary schools will provide families with information regarding this process. 


7 August 2024:All families at government primary schools return their Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their child’s government primary school, even if the child will be attending a Catholic or Independent school.


20 August 2024:Closing date for families to refer their appeal to the applicable Regional Director.


18 October 2024: Regional Directors notify families, in writing, of the outcome of their non-placement appeal.


22 October 2024: Families who appealed to the Regional Director must submit an updated Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their government primary school.


10 December 2024: Orientation Day for all Year 6 students (Year 7 2025).




Further information on our Year 7 Elevate program for highly capable learners current information can be accessed via the links sections below. 2025 information to follow 





Year 7 Elevate 

Moving from Primary to Secondary School (DET Resources)

Find my school zone

100 points of ID - requirements