2025 Laptop Program Years 4-12

BYOD Portal now open for orders!  BYOD Parents Toolkit   Altona College Order Portal

Families of students in Years 4-12 can purchase their chosen device through the LWT Education portal.  

Frequently asked Questions...
1)  What do I do if I need support?  

If you have any questions, please call 1300 556 788 or email service@lwt.com.au

2)  Will the Schools’ IT department support the laptop for all service issues or program faults?

Yes, the device is owned by the purchaser. If/when there is a software issue, our IT techs will initially assess the device and repair if appropriate. In the event of a hardware issue our IT techs will contact the LWT support team and they will visit within two working days to fix under warranty.

3)  What about software and antivirus programs? Who is responsible?

The device will be delivered with the college image installed. It will also have DET wireless connectivity. Students will have access to all Microsoft Office 365 for school use, and will have all access to web-based Google Suite including docs, sheets, slides, hangouts, blogs etc.

4)  What about Cyber safety and school network controls?

Cyber-safety is taken very seriously. Social media sites are blocked as per DET guidelines. Cyber- Safety (incorporating online rights and responsibilities) is built into our Positive Education curriculum and is continually being refined and implemented. Students will have access to the college network as it will be managed by a college administrator.

5)  What happens to the controls once he/she leaves the school?

As the device belongs to the student, upon exit, the college image will be removed and replaced with the Lenovo factory image. It will then be the responsibility of the student/student family to arrange for the new school's image/DET image to be installed if appropriate.